On today’s entry we are going to talk about the article “Is design dead?”, which talks about how the design has been changing through the years and how the good practices were developed in order to create a good design. Is no lie that for all the people that develops software, is kind of difficult to come up with a good design because of the lack of and standards to create it, other areas may have standards or even a methodology, but not us. Because of these needs, developers have created a bunch of good practices, not to create, but to reach a good design probably in a 85% of success. For example, a good practice is a that the code we create has to be modular in order to make corrections or complete alterations in a easier, this changes may occur for many reasons, manteinance, update the information or just to simply chage the entire code to something more efficient, the same goes to the design, but the problem is that a design is more difficult to modify when is already d...