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Showing posts from September, 2018

Understanding the SOLID principles

On today’s blog we are going to talk about the SOLID principles, which were discovered by Robert Martin, the famous Uncle Bob from the podcast of the previous entry. This principles are recommended to be used whenever someone wants to create an object oriented program. There are 5 principles where the acronym SOLID comes from which are the following S ingle Responsibility Principle (SRP) -> it says that any class should only have one responsibility. Yet, the author ends up saying that there might be some classes that have two responsibilities (the invoicing class that has some logging routines). In the end, I didn’t understand this principle well because I found the explanation confusing (as the author said, practice is much more difficult than theory).  O pen/Closed Principle (OPC) -> open extension but closed modification Although the author says that if you change a parent class method it might kill another part of the ...

Software Craftsmanship

On today’s blog we are going to review our first podcast named Software Craftsmanship, were Bob Martin talks about two things mostly, the software craftmanship (kind of obvious but ok) and some software techniques, during the whole podcast Bob is asked about the relation between and some of the characterises of each one that we are going to discuss later on. The term Software Craftmanship refers to a software development technique based on the fact that when someone finish the college and then get its first formal job, the things that are actual work they are really different to the things learned in school. Now this explanation is really accurate because what we learn in the college is just the tip of the iceberg, that is why is so difficult at the beginning of a job to actually be settle down and adapt to the work rhythm the company has. This technique has an interesting approach on how to develop the skills, because normally we learn them by trial and error, but according th...

War Games

On today’s blog I’m going to talk about a movie released in 1983, War Games, which has been directed by John Badham. The movie shows the story of David Lightman, a kid who is kin of a genius in topics of computer science, the plots consists of how this kid started to hack to the system of the US military by accident because he thought he was hacking a videogame company instead, when he hacks the system he discovers a simulation created by the military called Thermonuclear War, now, Lightman thinks is a game so he stars to play it, the “game” consist on two sides or teams, the USSR or the United States, and after choosing sides, the teams decides where to launch a nuclear bomb, all of this is situated during the Cold war so the simulation has   that theme; the problem starts when the simulation actually prepares to launch real bombs and Lightman gets caught by the government because of the hacking, then when they explain the situation to him he finds the creator of the simul...