On today’s blog we are going to talk about the 4+1 view model, which all
of this was taken from two videos. This model says that, when we are creating
software we need to focus on 4 things:
- The logical view: which is the logical design of the software
- The development view: the way the program interacts between its components
- The process view: the way the program functions
- The physical view: the way the software and the hardware interact between each other
Now to explain more these 4
things, the logical view refers on what are we going to build, not the actual
code, but the design and logic it will have, a good example of it is a class
The development view refers on how the program
is organized and how it communicates between its own parts, the component may
be a good example of this because it shows exactly that, how is organized and
how it communicates to work.
The one that refers on how the
program works is the process view, it refers on the how is the program
synchronized and its concurrency, for example an activity diagram.
Finally, we have the
physical view, which refers on how the software and the hardware are related
and communicate with each other.
Now for Six Blind Men video
and the elephant and the blind article, both of them relates to the model. On
both there is a story of blind people trying o describe an animal or elephant
in a specific one (guess which one), and because they are blind, obviously they
say different things because they were
guessing based on what they were feeling, now at first sight may be wrong, but
to them no, because they were actually describing things good, they were just
saying another animal with the same characteristics.
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